Frequently asked questions

Where do you send manufactured items?

Turncircuit can supply worldwide, subject to any trade restrictions which exist.

What sort of production volume do you facilitate?

Our state of the art digital equipment allows us to produce both small and large production runs as required.

How long does it normally take?

We aim to turn projects around quickly. It will depend in part on the volume and method of delivery. If you need an item quickly, please contact us and we'll do what we can to accommodate.

What file types can you work with?

Turncircuit will always try and work with your files. We can work with traditional hard copy files or DXF (AutoCAD) drawings. We can also take your drawings and sketches and develop them into digital drawings where required. We have facilities for CMM (coordinated-measuring machine) inspection.

What are your operating hours?

Our office is open from 6am - 10pm GMT, Monday to Friday. You can contact us at anytime and we will do our best to respond as quickly as possible.

Turncircuit Limited

Turncircuit Engineering, Units 13/14, Chaucer Business Park
Watery Lane, Kemsing, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 6PL, UK
Registered in England and Wales company number 02107842


Tel: +44 (0)1732 763140

ISO 9001:2008 certified